
Te Kete o Karaitiana Taiuru (Blog)

LinkedIn te reo Māori profiles

A number of months ago the professional networking site LinkedIn announced the ability to offer multilingual professional profiles via a set of existing languages and custom language options. The task is simple and can be used for any language in the world no matter how small the language population may be.

Bilingual profiles in English and Māori are now possible, but I note little interest in bi/multi lingual profiles. I hope this blog post will enlighten people to the fact and clarify any confusion.

Profiles are available in te reo Māori in LinkedIn right now!. Details are below how to translate your profile.

Like many other social media services LinkedIn realise the need to offer their services in multiple languages and is currently seeking public opinion on how best to integrate multilingualism. At the moment there appears to be favor for language communities to dictate and translate their own interfaces. Similar to the way Google and Linux offer languages communities to translate or not.

To translate your profile:

1. Log in to
2. Click on the “Profile” link in the left hand side navigation
3. Go to your “Edit My Profile” page
4. As Māori is not a default language select “Other” from the Languages drop down menu.
5. Begin translating Job Title etc on the first screen.
6. Begin translating all of your profile by selecting the appropriate language option in the drop down list in the ”Right” hand corner.

When translating your profile the English or as LinkedIn like to refer to it as “Primary” language will be in grey text below your translation area. Thus making it easier to translate and see what your primary profile states.

When people view your profile they can choose their language by selecting their preference from the “Language Option” drop down box in the right hand corner of your profile.

. I will make it available in Māori in the near future. I am also interested in seeing anyone else who has a bi/multi lingual profile.

DISCLAIMER: This post is the personal opinion of Dr Karaitiana Taiuru and is not reflective of the opinions of any organisation that Dr Karaitiana Taiuru is a member of or associates with, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

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