Te Kete o Karaitiana Taiuru (Blog)


  • Te Reo Māori Strategy lacks modern day thinking

    Te Reo Māori Strategy lacks modern day thinking

    The Minister of Māori Affairs, Hon Dr Pita Sharples announced a proposed change in te reo strategy but failed to miss the fact that technology plays a vital role in this area. For any language to be spoken by the masses it must be normalised and easy to access and widely used in not only…

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  • te reo Māori Spam brings te reo Māori into 21st Century

    te reo Māori Spam brings te reo Māori into 21st Century

    With so much emphasis on te reo Māori being normalised; it looks as though spammers are now using Google Translate to translate spam into te reo Māori according to Robyn Gallagher http://www.robyngallagher.com/2014/01/11/te-reo-Māori-419-spam/ . Is this a new avenue of normalisation albeit an annoying but normal part of our online lives? I suspect so! and that…

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