Te Kete o Karaitiana Taiuru (Blog)


  • Google says 1 trillion url’s

    Google says 1 trillion url’s

    Google recently announced that they indexed 1 trillion urls. In 1998 when Google first indexed the web there were 26 million url’s. For any individual or group who claims the Internet is not a viable communications vehicle need to re evaluate as does any indigenous/minority culture who see the Internet as threat to their culture.…

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  • Cybersquatting in .maori.nz

    Cybersquatting in .maori.nz

    Since 2001 when .maori.nz was introduced there have been at least 34 cases of cyber squatting that i am personally aware of. The biggest culprit bulk registered a number of tribal names the second .maori.nz was introduced, then put them up for sale often at 100 times the original price. We the Maori Internet Society…

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  • 13 Years of Māori Language integration into software and the Internet

    13 Years of Māori Language integration into software and the Internet

    13 years ago when i started out in the ICT industry there were no Māori software products, writing a macron was impossible, and as hard as this is to believe now, only two Māori web sites existed. There was no .iwi.nz nor .maori.nz and no corpus of Māori computer terminology, not even for the word…

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  • Google Māori launches

    Google Māori launches

    Google Māori is accessed via the google.co.nz page. Alas, do I note that there are still macrons missing on the word “Māori”. It is refreshing to see it finally go live after the several years it took to get there. One important thing i have noticed that nobody has mentioned, is that there is still…

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  • Google Māori

    Google Māori

    This morning i was informed that the Google Māori translation project is beginning to be rolled out and available at http://www.google.com/intl/mi/ . This site is still in English at the time of writing. So i imagine there is a roll out plan as with any newly developed system. There is also a small (up to…

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  • Fundamental change to Internet

    At the ICANN meeting in Paris, ICANN agreed to the most fundamentally largest change on the Internet since its inception over 40 years ago. ICANN in 2009 will accept the creation of new gTLD’s. The decision has created a lot of debate and speculation that large corporations will simply use their money and power to essentially further their…

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