Te Kete o Karaitiana Taiuru (Blog)


  • Māori Ethical considerations with Artificial Intelligence Systems

    Māori Ethical considerations with Artificial Intelligence Systems

    UPDATE: A complete set of Māori ethics Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti and Māori Ethics Guidelines for: AI, Algorithms, Data and IOT This is the third in a series of articles I am writing about Māori ethics with AI, Data sovereignty and Robotics*. Article 2  Māori ethics associated with AI systems architecture and Article 1 Māori…

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  • Māori Internet Safety Statistics 2019

    A summary of Māori Internet safety statistics taken from three NetSafe reports from 2019. Image based sexual abuse report (2019) Threatening someone with image-based sexual abuse was more common among Asian (8%) and Māori (6%) compared with other ethnic groups. Parents of NZ European/Pākehā, Māori, and Pacific children were significantly more worried about their children…

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