Te Kete o Karaitiana Taiuru (Blog)


  • Fourth culturally offensive UK brewery apologises

    Fourth culturally offensive UK brewery apologises

    28 hours after writing a public tweet (DM UK media) and a detailed article on my web site accusing UK brewery Rammy Craft of ignoring correspondence regarding culturally offensive beer label, they reply with an explanation and apology. The email reply is copied in full is below. It is frustrating that it took 7 weeks, seeking…

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  • Culturally offensive UK brewery ignores requests

    Culturally offensive UK brewery ignores requests

    Rammy Craft Ales, a UK brewer producer of the beer labeled Flaori Maori have ignored several communications over the past 7 weeks that their beer label is likely to be offensive to Maori. This is the fourth UK brewery I have approached this year, and the only brewery who has not communicated and or rectified…

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