Te Kete o Karaitiana Taiuru (Blog)


  • Hacking the Internet

    During the recent Denial of Service (DoS) attack on a large international registrar effecting over 7.5 million web sites in 48 hours, i have learnt of an effective Internet vulnerability. I am only writing about it as once you read it, it is common knowledge and is only dangerous if you were inclined to try…

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  • Social Networks and Maori

    I finally succumbed to perpetual requests from family and close friends to create a Bebo.com account. We know that Hi5.com is preferred by Thai’s and Orkut by South Americans, FaceBook.com and MySpace.com by a good international mixture. An observation that most intrigues me is that Bebo.com is, as is documented fact more for the younger generations (Gen M etc).…

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  • Social networks usernames – more valuable than a domain name ?

    We have almost become conditioned to the fact that we need to protect our domain name and that if we have an organisation of any description we need to secure a domain name for our online identity. Often conglomerates will register their identity across many TLD’s. ICANN will soon make it possible to create new…

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