Te Kete o Karaitiana Taiuru (Blog)


  • Can the Māori Language be colonised if used with AI and other digital technologies?

    Can the Māori Language be colonised if used with AI and other digital technologies?

    This brief article looks at the idea that the Māori language will be colonised if used in speech recognition, machine learning, AI and other linguist technologies. This article makes the argument that the Māori language can not be colonised and that by making such statements will only hinder Māori Peoples and wellbeing. As technology is…

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  • Māori Culture Guidelines for Brand Owners and Marketing

    Māori Culture Guidelines for Brand Owners and Marketing

    These high level guidelines have been written by Karaitiana Taiuru who has been involved with Māori Cultural rights, Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and assisting brands both in New Zealand and internationally for over 25 years. Last updated January 10 2021. The motivation to write this document is to provide an introduction to Māori cultural appropriation…

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  • Expert Maori Cultural Commentary to the Law Commission DNA Recommendations

    At the end of November 2020,  the Law Commission released a report on DNA samples in Criminal Investigations that made sweeping recommendations that included protecting Māori cultural rights and recognising Te Tiriti obligations. It recommended that the law governing the taking of DNA samples the Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Act (CIBS Act) be updated to…

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