Te Kete o Karaitiana Taiuru (Blog)


  • Macrons not recognised in email by Government and Polytechnic web sites and systems

    Macrons not recognised in email by Government and Polytechnic web sites and systems

    If you have te reo Māori or macrons in your email address, it is unlikely you will be able to contact a government department, MP, local council or a polytechnic. Read the full report here. Most of the 158 NZ government department website online contact forms surveyed, would not accept an email with macrons. This…

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  • Obituary for Richard Ozrecki

    Obituary for Richard Ozrecki

    He Aituā Kua hinga te totaranui O te ao nui a Tāne Auē te mamae e E te rangitira Kua hoki koe Ki Hawaiki Nāna koe i whakaruruhau Nō reira haere atu rā, haere atu rā The ICT industry is so new and even newer for Maoridom, that it is uncommon for a digital leader…

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