
Te Kete o Karaitiana Taiuru (Blog)

maor ai voice

Automated Google Māori translations

Google recently announced its support for several minority languages to translate into and from English with Māori being one of the minority languages.

Background information from my October 15 2009 post is here.

To use the translator visit
For years a computer generated system to translate to and from te reo Māori has only been a dream and one that most people never expected to occur.

Google Translate will translate from Māori to English and English to Māori. To translate from English to Māori:

  1. On the right hand side of the screen click on the down arrow button
  2. Select “Maori”
  3. Type the English sentences into the text area
  4. Output translation will appear in the right hand of the screen.







Māori speakers required to improve translations.

The Translator is still in its infancy and does require fluent speakers to rate various translations that will be used to improve the algorithms of the system. Anyone can do this without the need to register or log in. Simply visit

The translations are mediocre and often do not have macrons, but nevertheless the system works well for an early system.


 External Links

TV3 News

Google Blog


DISCLAIMER: This post is the personal opinion of Dr Karaitiana Taiuru and is not reflective of the opinions of any organisation that Dr Karaitiana Taiuru is a member of or associates with, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

12 responses to “Automated Google Māori translations”

  1. faith Avatar

    tena koe faith toku reo aroha

  2. Jason dean Wiremu Avatar
    Jason dean Wiremu

    I don’t know how to speak te reo, I am from Ruatoki. And I am 42, also the younges’t child. Ki Ora

  3. Sebastian Avatar

    Ka Mohio au pehea Te korero māori engrari hiahia au Te whakapiki Te Reno māori Kia ora

  4. kathy Avatar

    This is crap. I put in a simple sentence “Hello jack and raina” and the maori translation was “hello jack and a lines”
    It couldnt even give me “Kia ora Jack me raina” or something like that

  5. Peter Dinsdale Avatar

    I know some maori but can not speak in sentances.I live in Australia miss home heaps can under stand and talk some.I went to st Peter’s maori college in the 60s and need to learn more to teach my mood can you help Kia ora

    1. Walter Scheer Avatar

      Hi Peter
      We are still in Kotu Rotorua my wife is Teresa We must be Whanau.

  6. Michael Haami Avatar
    Michael Haami

    Awesome tool good for fluent and others I recommend this for all levels kau mau ke te taonga nei

    1. Michael Haami Avatar
      Michael Haami

      ka aroha noku te he ko te rarangi korero tika tenei ko tenei ‘ka mau ke te taonga taputapu nei’

  7. Wayne Avatar

    Hi Karaitiana… I love that this functionality is available via google but I am sad to say that I will have to avoid its use…

    I wanted to use a simple greeting and farewell on my letters but alas, it proved too confusing and I know I will be castigated to the extreme… some examples

    “kind regards” translated to ahua pai
    “Kind Regards” translated to Tuhinga o mua
    “to whom it may concern” translated to “ki a ia e whai mana ana”
    “Hello” translated to “Hiha”

    so I tried some reverse engineering

    “ahua pai” translated to “good look”
    “Tuhinga o mua” translated to “of the”
    “ki a ia e whai mana ana” translated to “to him that has power”… close but then this is now exclusive language
    “hiha” translated to “hiha”… so I am none the wiser

  8. Adelene Avatar

    Tena koe
    ko Adelene taku ingoa
    Ko tuhoe raua ko ngati kahungunu
    taku iwi
    My tupuna Piriniko ~ Heurea~Nicholson raua ko Winiata ~Wakefield
    aroha mai,te reo Maori (iti) ,
    engari hehehe
    Te Whaiti Rua tahuna>
    Piriniko, Heurea whanau|
    Mohaka/ Nuhaka +Napier>
    Nicholson whanau|
    Mahia raua ko Utiku>
    Winiata whanau
    Wakefield / Linkhorn>Waiheke

    Keen to learn Te Reo Maori. .

  9. David Tippett Avatar
    David Tippett

    Kia ora tatou

  10. Walter Scheer Avatar

    This is helpful to me in my hikoi learning the Reo.
    Find radio station TeArawa in Rotorua real helpful as I learn well by listing.
    Great work

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