Earlier this week X (formerly Twitter) updated its Privacy Policy to indicate that it would allow third-party “collaborators” to train their AI models on X data, unless users opt out. Thanks to TechCrunch who first published the details.
If you have already locked down your Twitter Privacy, there appears no change.
This is a timely reminder that your posts are already opted in by default to the X AI Chatbot called Grok. Grok has already been accused by the Data Protection Commission that X’s use of Grok violates GDPR guidelines on data protection and privacy.
If you use X on your phone, you will likely not have seen the announcement. If you use X on a computer web browser you likely had an announcement at the bottom of your screen for ‘a new link’ which was actually a link to the new Privacy Policy which has multiple links and categories.
Opting out of AI training
- In a web browser while logged into X
- Go to Settings
- Select Privacy and Safety
- Go to the third column called “Data sharing and personalization“
- Select Data sharing with business partners
- Select the tick box called Allow additional information sharing with business partners
Opting out of Grok
In a web browser while logged into X, you should be able to directly opt out via this link https://x.com/settings/grok_settings .
- In a web browser while logged into X
- Go to Settings
- Select Privacy and Safety
- Go to the third column called “Data sharing and personalization“
- Scroll down and untick the checkbox next to “Grok“.
- If you want to delete your Grok history select Delete conversation history
- Select Delete
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