Te Kete o Karaitiana Taiuru (Blog)

Warning: Twitter spam targeting Māori

The past 48 hours we has seen a large concentrated Twitter spam attack targeting Māori using popular key words and soft pornography.

This is the first time Māori has been targeted in a spam campaign on Twitter and there appears to be no real reason or justification for it.

On the surface it appears as though a number of Twitter accounts may have been compromised and being used to send the tweets.

My advise is if you are monitoring Māori hashtags for current affairs, interests or anything Māori related and see profile pictures of naked or near naked women, tweets advertising naked Māori girl pictures etc. is to report the tweet as spam and block the user. Also be careful if you are using a work computer or there are younger eyes watching your screen.

Often the tweets have no links, but do have other irrelevant hashtags that contain links and other offensive material.

This may be the beginning of a more sinister online attack targeting Māori so be cautious with your online presence.

DISCLAIMER: This post is the personal opinion of Dr Karaitiana Taiuru and is not reflective of the opinions of any organisation that Dr Karaitiana Taiuru is a member of or associates with, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

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