
Te Kete o Karaitiana Taiuru (Blog)

The Māori ICT Report

Māori access to Internet and ICT report has been released which covers Māori engagement in the digital world, including Internet, mobile usage and employment in the ICT industry identifies pathways for Māori to achieve higher incomes and management opportunities in the ICT industry.

Māori me te Ao Hangarau 2015 – The Māori ICT Report 2015 was produced by MBIE as part of He Kai kei aku ringa – the Crown Maori Economic Growth Partnership, Strategy and Action Plan.

I have summarized the key facts and stats from the report below.

20 key facts from the report

  1. Maori household access to the Internet is 16% less than non Maori.Three years ago this was 18% less than non Maori.
  2. Maori in the ICT workforce is 2.5%
  3. Maori are more likely to have access to a mobile phone
  4. Maori are most likely to use the Internet for social media, music, networking and education information.
  5. Less than 1% of Māori are studying towards an ICT qualification
  6. Māori are more likely to be employed in the lower skilled ICT occupations. Of the 7,800 Māori in ICT occupations, 2,000 were ICT professionals, 2,800 were Engineering, ICT and Science Technicians and 3,000 were Design, Engineering, Science and Transport Professionals. Fewer Māori are also in highly paid ICT occupations (managers and professionals) than non-Māori.
  7. Māori have a 81% new internet user rate compared to the general population at 84%. In 2009 Maori were 77%
  8. Maori access to Broadband access is 73% while national average is 87%
  9. Māori access the internet via a laptop/tablet is 53% and desktop is 38% compared to national average laptop/tablet 61% and 44% for desktops.
  10. 2013 Census data shows 32% cent of Māori households did not have internet access at home compared with 14 per% nationally in 2012
  11. The general trend on the relationship between internet use and age for both Māori and non-Māori is similar and peaks in teenage years and at ages 35-39.
  12. Māori internet coverage is quite variable by region with Northland having the lowest access.
  13. The biggest barrier to taking up broadband is its availability in the local area
  14. Māori are least likely to cite ‘cost’ as a barrier to access the Internet
  15. Māori are 7% less likely to access government websites to download forms and make online payments
  16. Maori are 4% more likely to use the Internet for Education
  17. Internet use increases with income for both Māori and non-Māori
  18. Māori businesses are early adapters of technology
  19. Māori willingness to vote online in a General Election is 56% compared to NZ average of 60%
  20. Internet is being used to revitalise of te reo Māori

DISCLAIMER: This post is the personal opinion of Dr Karaitiana Taiuru and is not reflective of the opinions of any organisation that Dr Karaitiana Taiuru is a member of or associates with, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

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